
UI UX design and user experience for a diagnostic system for management roles

Employee integrity and reliability are essential for any business. Lack of integrity can lead to the failure of any organization.

Accurately diagnosing the reliability of candidates and existing employees is not simple at all. Carrying out effective, valid assessments adapted to the organization require in-depth knowledge of psychological diagnosis and employee evaluation, an understanding of cultural norms, as well as the use of appropriate content, technology and processes. Since the results of assessment tests may have a significant impact on the subjects' careers and lives, as well as on the company's security and success - ensuring accurate assessment results is critical.

Following the company's branding refresh that paved the way for changing the design language, I had to think about the right visual expression and the user experience that would most accurately answer the users' needs on the one hand, and the company's values ​​on the other hand.

What is needed:

  • Characterization and design user experience and a diagnostic user interface
  • עיצוב user interface to the template for the company website
  • User interface design for a test report
  • Responsiveness and compatibility for mobile

readily available per request

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    Itai Alon
    CEO and owner
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