
UX UI design and user experience for an e-commerce AR plugin

MAXsense, UI UX design and user experience for e-commerce AR plugin

what is it Anyway?

MaxSense is an Augmented Reality add-on for e-commerce sites. It allows each store to turn the existing product catalog into an augmented reality display at the click of a button and without high threshold requirements, thus upgrading the user experience in the shopping process to a richer and more accurate one.

The problem

Studies reveal about 65% basket abandonment in the virtual stores. One of the proven solutions to this problem is the use of augmented reality to present the products. The AR technology has high threshold requirements, both on the part of the seller of 3D files and on the part of the customer, advanced equipment and bandwidth. We recognized the need to make augmented reality available to every ordinary seller at minimal cost and with maximum ease.

the solution

The MaxSense platform can operate in any online store with a simple and quick installation. With MaxSense, shoppers in the store will be able to experience the products as if they were in their home space without the need for particularly powerful devices and without the need for high bandwidth.

User experience design in the AR world

Design a user experience UX Augmented reality, even if it is basic, requires thinking from the world of wear and tear. How to create complex actions that combine finger movement and a XNUMXD illusion on a XNUMXD screen, and yet, that simplicity and intuitiveness will be the name of the game.

The solution lies in guidance! Every action in space (move, position, rotate, zoom and tilt) has a distortion in the two-dimensional space. My task was to find this distortion in the game with dozens of demo games that I made for myself and reflect it for the user with means that illustrate the distortion and simplify the user experience and the learning curve for the user.

When we uploaded the design to the prototype, an interesting effect of the distortion was created and a clear understanding of what was happening in each mode of operation.

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    Itai Alon
    CEO and owner
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