UX characterization process, what do customers need to know?

UX characterization process, what do customers need to know?

Do you have an idea for a product or service, and are you eager to get to business? Excellent! You have come to the right place. Before you spend time, money, and other energy, you should know a few things that will advance you and your product faster to the goal and, in the long run, will cost you less.
What is UX And how can it serve you in your product design?

Digital product design is different from anything you know about design. The designer who sits down to plan the design of your product and the user interfaces must control not only the design innovation accepted in the market but also the processes that your target audience is supposed to go through on the route you set for them.

The designer is obliged to take all the details into account, anticipate the weak points and maximize them for the success of the product.

For you it may be obvious, for us designers, it is not an easy task. A good designer knows how to do the job and submit a sketch that looks good, on the other hand, an excellent designer (cannon) knows how to see and anticipate all the processes even before he actually started working on the design and anticipate all the interactions and points of failure and give them solutions.


Research your client, the goals, the target audience, find examples from the category that work well and those that don't work at all, don't be ashamed to "antiquate" and appropriate excellent things that suit you.

Only after you have understood all these, you can proceed to the next step. Base your work and don't hesitate to ask questions that sometimes seem painful to your client.

I found that in a significant part of the projects I carried out, the clients did not arrive focused on the goal and did not know how to simply answer the question: What do you want to happen in the end?

Some customers think they know what they want and come with blueprints of 20-40 screens that can easily and after thought be turned into individual screens.

Any thinking at this stage will lead you to an advantage in the success of the project. Remember - the success of the project is the fulfillment of the client's goal.


At this stage, you will be able to create your point of view, concept, and personal perspective and from your experience on the customer's needs from the insights, you acquired in the first stage.

Here you actually create and create the basis for the main idea of ​​the application. Don't forget that most of the winning apps present and highlight one main service.

Just like in proper marketing, the main idea is unique and distinguishes the service and although in most cases the application provides additional elements, the main idea is kept unique. (For example, you can see that there are hundreds of instant messaging apps, but all the top apps share one central and unique conceptual idea).


Different challenges require creative solutions. At this stage, it is possible to create different variations of solutions for different challenges.

As we have already said, a cannon designer can observe the desired process taking place in his head and simulate the process that the user goes through and there, anticipate weak points. For these weak points, the designer will bring from his best experience and research the most creative and simplest solutions that often produce the unique value of the application (Tinder, Shazam).
This step includes a term called WIREFRAMES which means creating the first interactive basis for the process the user goes through within the service and learning from it about the problems and opportunities inherent in it.


After the process is in place and the proposed solutions to the weak points have been identified and decided, you want to put everything on a visual presentation and let those around you, including the customer of course, speak the same language. This presentation simulates the product in the closest way to reality. There are many good tools on the market for creating a prototype and testing the product even before you have invested money and energy on development. (For example: https://projects.invisionapp.com)

There is nothing like experience

Review group - this is the decisive moment at work after the greatest efforts have been invested in creating a unique and winning product. The target audience's experience will determine the next step or whether we must go one step back to solve things we did not anticipate. Here, too, some sites provide audit group services based on the characteristics of your target audience. (For example: http://www.solidifyapp.com/, https://www.usertesting.com/product/mobile-application-testing, https://www.applause.com/mobile-app-testing/)

Always keep in mind: if you save at this stage of the work, you will probably pay dearly for it later, I encountered quite a few improvements and corrections after development, which is expensive and takes up valuable time.

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    Itai Alon
    CEO and owner

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