Working for yourself - excellence in creativity.

Working for yourself - excellence in creativity

One Kung Fu master in China said: “If you want to be a master at what you do, you must practice the same thing for fifteen consecutive years.

past present

In recent years we have witnessed a quiet but significant revolution that will change relations in the free labor market. The wise, will already weave for themselves a web that will put them on the map of change, the brave, will ride the wave of this revolution spontaneously and the lazy will continue to be lazy.


Who hasn't heard their parents express their caring opinion on the type of studies they wanted to choose for themselves? The dilemma in choosing is excellent, and the pressures exerted on you at this fragile point in life are enormous. Choosing a profession for life from the perspective of a total child is a choice for life and marriage. The message sent to us by society and parents is that choosing from the heart is not a wise choice; on the other hand, a rational choice (what is needed, what is missing, what counts) is a good choice that guarantees status, promotion and most importantly - a long-term job.

The funny thing about the whole thing is that even though the weather has changed and the sun is out, my parents still go with an umbrella. For them the concept of status, a good salary and a permanent job still exists and represents the best in life.

the free market

Look around, the professions that will survive this crazy time unlike the rest, are professions that a significant part of their set of attributes includes the term creativity. Creativity is such a complex and unsolved quality that computer science has no solution to track it down in the future. Creativity is such a complex, changing and deep pattern that even we do not understand the pattern that creates it. Either you're creative, or you're not. And if you are creative, take advantage of it. The future is not about a type of profession but about a very specific type of human trait. Creativity does not go hand in hand with rules, working hours, signing a card and so on and so you will find that very creative people usually do not work in an office for someone but find a way to give their time and the quality they strive for to anyone who asks.

I'm going to give a general generalization that may not be true, but if everything I've written so far makes sense to you, then my conclusion is this: you won't find the most creative people in the office! And so, the paradigm of getting a job from an established and large company as a value for excellence is no longer valid for the world of creative people.

Take a doctor for example, if you encountered a fundamental problem with your health, which doctor would you go to? In our perception and probably also in reality, a private doctor has something beyond the solution offered by the health insurance fund. Likewise, a lawyer, a teacher, and yes, also an expert UI UX.

So what kind of employee are you?

So if I said that the worker endowed with extraordinary creative ability is not measured by the profession in which he studied but by a distinct and extraordinary value of a human quality that receives expression by becoming a profession, I divide them into four types:

Of course, as part of the dynamic change that every person goes through in life, you may find yourself in several slots.

Must work in an organization - The employee who does not have many choices and must work on the other hand and do something else, such as mothers of children who want to be with the children from lunchtime. That doesn't mean there isn't extraordinary creativity; it's a choice out of no choice.

Well designed remote control system

chooses to work in an organization - People who have an outdated concept of the concept of career and are captives in this worldview, they are usually in constant struggles among themselves and other struggles such as their ability to close the month. Unfortunately this group is among the majority and this is how the supply and demand market is structured in our industrial world. It's like going to school. The organization usually does not maximize the potential value of its employees because it does not have the ability to personally deal with each employee's set of attributes.

Chooses to work for himself - They are the ones who chose their own path for their natural development and experience failures and successes as part of their way of learning to grow. In this group, creativity is a mandatory feature as part of the individuals' ability to survive, grow and develop.


One Kung Fu master in China said: "If you want to be a master at what you do, you must practice the same thing for fifteen consecutive years."

Masters can only be those whose doing flows in their blood, not out of purpose but out of passion. Being a master at what you do is a way of life, not a way to get a salary. If you are gifted with extraordinary creativity in a particular field, embrace it and focus your work on this thing that excites you.

I'm with Alon. Master UI UX and psychology of users in digital products.

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    Itai Alon
    CEO and owner

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