Just before you develop an app - a must read!

Just before you develop an application - a must read!

just a minute! Take your foot off the gas pedal for a moment. I know, you have an idea, you have gathered a great team around you, you are lean on expenses because there is no choice, you have formulated a vision of how your product should look and you have even sketched a few screens to illustrate the flow of the idea and now you are ready for the development of your demo. You are eager to get started.

know that feeling. The process of building a digital product can take painful months of time, expenses and many frustrations. And many around you must have told you that you only need to release a demo, that the product should be an MVP and you are really there, only that your demo should really succeed. Between us, what does it matter if it's a thin product, fat, blood or not, what you have in hand should be successful. The audience that tests you gives you one chance and on this occasion you need your product to answer one main thing: that there is value here that makes it worth it for me to download and use the product.

So what did this value move? Let's divide it into two main areas:

I need it

The product meets a need that has always existed. A need that I knew existed or was not aware of, in both cases you revealed the need to the user and made his daily struggle more convenient and simple. I need it at such a level that I will be ready to go through the obstacles I have on the way (registration, personal details, download, installation) and add the product to the arsenal of products that already serve me. Here you must make sure that the obstacles you place in the way of your user are weaker than the useful value of your product.

My experience is excellent

My experience, or in other words the process UX Works well and presented to your user in such a way that it adds value to the product and does not detract from it (towards the obstacle). Your users are used to a great user experience with the many apps they have on their device, the truth is that most of the apps installed on users' devices have user experience excellent If the education we received for user experience is at a certain level, you don't want to present a less good education and that is the main challenge.

In conclusion, if I had to invest in a prototype, prototype, demo for an application, I would invest in refining the value and the elements related to it -0 the user experience (User Experience) and refining the value, when these two take the lead you can remove your concern from this matter.

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    Itai Alon
    CEO and owner

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